
Tuesday 4 September 2012

Back to School Blues

Feeling a bit sad today as T has gone back to school (accompanied by his PE kit, including this new trainer bag that I made for him).

This little bag has proved very useful over the summer, especially for transporting spare clothes & toys (cars, bits of lego, action figues, playmobil) either on holidays or to the Grandparents houses. I therefore plan to make many more & have some designs I'm going to try watch this space.....

The other thing I love about this bag is that it is made with 100% recycled fabrics...something I really want to concentrate on in the coming weeks.  Children get through clothes so quickly and we end up giving bags & bags to charity (which is great), but sometimes it's nice to re-use those favourite items of clothing, or, certainly in the case of boys, the parts of clothing that hasn't worn out but you can't really do much with the whole piece.  The applique stars on this bag come from a pair of T's trousers that had massive holes in the knees, so were pretty much good for nothing, but I really liked the colours & he hadn't had them long, so great to put the scraps to good use.

So, with T back at school, a feeling of melacholy about my empty, quiet house and the end of summer, I need to get myself busy, organised and start on some new projects...working through that sketch book of ideas I have. Trouble is, now the holidays are over and I actually have the time to do it...the book of ideas & pile of fabric seem all a bit daunting..........!

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