
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Here I go

So , my first post on my very first blog. I have to admit that I am rather embarrassed (feeling like a bit of a T**t, as my friend, Shar, might say) about  all this but I'm told that it is the best way in these modern times of ours, to show others what I'm up to ( & to justify my time at home whilst The Son is at school). Gosh, you never know, I could even be 'tweeting' next..!

Having re-kindled my creative flame at the start of the year when I enrolled on a 'Beginners Ceramics/Pottery Course' (something I am now ever so slightly addicted to), I've spent the last few months compiling pages of sketches and ideas of things I'd really love to, print, paint, sculpt, photograph. 

Pages & pages of ideas, no time or focus to actually create.

Therefore, I hope this blog with provide me with a direction and structure to record what I am making/trying/learning and perhaps in the process of it all, someone, somewhere, might just like something.......

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