
Monday 18 May 2015

Back to School

For the past few weeks, I've been totally immersed in back-to-school-like studies, following a thoroughly inspiring and enjoyable course: The Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design

I found the course some years ago via Beth Kempton's Do What You Love site, but it was only this year that I felt I had the time to dedicate to it.  Written by successful Designer, Rachael Taylor in collaboration with Beth, the course teaches, motivates, inspires and advises on all aspects of the world of Surface Pattern Design (as the name suggests - that's designing print and pattern for all manner of 'surfaces'...textiles, homewares, wallpaper, crockery, stationery, greetings get the idea!)

Anyway, eager to get back to it, I'll stop waffling and post a few images of the work I've been up to instead.....

Emma x

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