
Wednesday 11 March 2015

Creative with Kids Series: The Dot

This is just a quick post about a brilliant little book with a brilliantly conveyed big message. I came across it just recently (it was actually published in 2003) when helping T overcome a crisis of confidence over his ability to 'draw'. It's a children's book by American author Peter Reynolds, called 'The Dot'. 

Whilst primarily being a book for kids; it is, like any truly great children's book, also very relevant and engaging for us adults.

I don't want to ruin the story for you by going into too much detail, but it's just the perfect read for anyone, young or old, who thinks they can't do something. It encourages self-discovery, self-expression and a broadening of the concept of  'art'.

Quite apart from the story itself, the charming, whimsical illustrations are simply stunning.

Clearly something he is passionate about, Peter Reynolds gives some further suggestions of activities to capture the creative spirit of children, here on his website.

I love the dedication at the end of the book. How wonderful that Mr Matson was such an inspiration and remains in the author's memory as the adult who encouraged him to 'make his mark'...Exactly what all teachers should be capable of doing.

So, if you or your child have ever said "..but I can't do it", or "I'm rubbish at it", then I urge you to buy this book. Buy it and leave it lying around for everyone to pick up and read.

Righto, I'm off to draw some dots.....
Emma x

p.s If you like The Dot, Peter Reynolds has written 2 follow-up books: 'ish' and 'Sky Colour'. Enjoy!

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