
Friday 14 February 2014

Creative Hibernation

Rather like the bear in the John Lewis Christmas ad, I've been in something of a hibernation for most of the winter. 

Whilst it would have been SO lovely to have actually spent the last few months sleeping soundly (my favourite hobby!) in a warm, snug cave away from all this relentless  wind and rain. I haven't.....

Instead this is what my life has been all about:

Colour Cards, Flat Matt Emulsion, Intelligent Eggshell and lots and lots of Polyfilla!  As I mentioned before, we moved from our cottage to a big old Georgian farmhouse back in the summer which, whilst in pretty good structural shape, was in need of a bit of TLC decor-wise. Now, I LOVE interior design and could bore the socks off anyone about the merits of Little Greene Paint over Farrow & Ball  and whether Elephant's Breath is a nicer shade than Skimming Stone BUT when it comes down to the practicality of putting that paint on the wall, I struggle. I REALLY struggle. Unfortunately when you buy a house that is rather too big for your family of 3 + Labrador, there isn't much money left in the kitty to get the professionals in. Therefore, life has gone pretty much on hold whilst I've sanded, primed, rollered and painted 5 rooms, 2 bathrooms and a hall, stairs and landing including all 44, yes 44 (!) bannister spindles. There have been melt downs, spilt paint and many a bad temper but finally after approximately 200 hours of redecoration, the end is in sight.  Don't get me wrong, there is still more to be done, but the offensive rooms are finished and the rest can wait.

So I'm back. This blog will undergo a little 'redecoration' of it's own over the next couple of weeks and then onwards and upwards with creative tinkerings and dabbling with crafty stuff.

Until then x

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