
Thursday 19 September 2013

It's been waaaay too long!

Ok, it would seem that keeping up with regular blogging lasted less than a year....but I do have a sort of valid excuse: We moved house in July and I had an awful lot to do clearing out 'stuff' from our old house, selling things, doing the conveyancing on behalf of solicitors who, it would seem, get paid a great deal of money to do absolutely nothing unless you constantly phone and email them (!!),  packing and then the mahooosive task of unpacking and cleaning the new house (WHY O WHY do people think it acceptable to move out of a home without properly cleaning it? I know I am slightly, ok quite a lot, OCD about cleanliness but this place was something else...) Anyway, I digress....We are now happily settled in our new home, T has returned to school after a fabulous 6 weeks off for the summer and whilst I have had time to make a few bits and pieces, I've only had time to update my Facebook page, rather than indulge in a whole blog post. 

So, here I am back with a quick update. (It has to be quick because I need to do the school run in about 20 minutes and abandoning my son in favour of blogging wouldn't go down well at the school gates!)  I've added some pics in below of some of the latest creations. Apologies to those who look at my FB page because most of these have already featured on there!

The early summer and spring time saw a bit of a baby boom amongst friends or friends of friends and I seemed to be making endless strings of personalised bunting for new babies. Really loved doing it though and the positive feedback from the recipients was well worth cutting out all those flags and letters!  I also started using some fabulous cotton fabric sheets that you can use in the home printer....these worked really well for printing on birth dates to the bunting to add that extra bit of personalisation.

I also had a request in the summer for some Back-to-School pencil cases. I've mentioned before how clothing and accessories for boys are really tricky unless you go down the branding/licensing route...and the pre-teen market is particularly hard to please.  I sat down with 10 year old Ben and had a chat about the sort of thing he might want...and ta-dah, came up with this design.  The fact that he described it as 'AWESOME' when I presented it too him, was heart-warming and made me want to jump for joy.  He is a lovely boy and might just have been trying to spare my feelings but he did seem to genuinely like it!

Of course, his younger sister, also needed her own pencil case too.  Found this lovely print by Michael Miller with lots of pretty colours for a 7 year old girl.

Since moving in to the new house, I've become slightly obsessed with creating mood-boards on Pinterest as inspiration for our new home decor.  Some of the rooms in the house are just great the way they are, but quite a few (6 to be precise) are in need of attention. Given that our budget is limited and that I am more than capable of a bit of DIY, I will be undertaking the redecoration myself. Although not quite the same as 'making' things, it is still a creative process and therefore I thought it would be an idea to record on here the transformations as they long as I remember to take the 'before', 'in progress' and 'after' photos of course!  I appreciate this isn't particularly interesting for anyone else and I'm not about to offer my skills as a Painter & Decorator, but it will serve as a nice record for me and give me a sense of satisfaction when I look back at the posts. 

First up, T's Room: Being the selfless mother that I am (??!!), I put any plans to decorate our bedroom on hold in favour of making our son's room look far more fabulous than it was. The huge smile, big hug, kiss and 'Thank You Mummy...I LOVE it! made the hard work all worth while.  I'll do a proper 'interiors' post once each room is finished (this one really does need a new carpet to finish it off and some new bedding, but that's on order and won't arrive until late October) Therefore, in the meantime, here's a few pics of how a 6 year old boys room is looking after about 10 days of sanding and painting!

I found this brilliant wall decal online through amazon..available from lots of sellers. It was a bit of a bugger to apply and I definitely lost a couple of Caribbean islands in the process but really pleased with the end result.

One of the door stops I'd made earlier in the year, fit in perfectly with the World Flags theme and contrasts brilliantly with the green feature walls.

Can't take the credit for the flag bunting...that was supplied by the Cotton Bunting Company. Great quality and vibrant colours.

I wanted to put up some inspirational wall art above T's bed. Love the sentiment on this piece from Lana's Prints via her eBay shop and thank you to her for printing it on the blue background especially for me.

So there we have it...I've broken the silence...back in the blogging game....and only just in time for that school run.....!

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