I'm baaaaack!! It's been a while, I know....The reason....? I've been very very busy! My goodness, I now know how Father Christmas must feel in the run up to Christmas...all those presents to make, wrap & package up! Not that I'm complaining (although I could do with some of his little Elves to help out), it's been lovely (& very flattering) to be receiving so many orders for gifts.
However, I have a little problem, as mentioned in my previous post, in that I can't really share much of what I've been up to these past few weeks until gifts have been given & received...although they aren't alllll for Christmas, so a few things will be appearing in the next few weeks, once special events such as birthdays and christenings have occurred.
In the meantime...here are some sneaky peek pictures of the fabrics I've been working with and some snippets of designs (especially things for the children as they're way too busy writing letters to Father Christmas, learning carols and 'playing' to be looking over shoulders at some strange blog on Mummy/Daddy's laptop/computer/iPad/mobile etc etc..) but Ssssssshhhhhh, dont tell anyone otherwise it will ruin their surprise...
Gorgeous designer prints from Birch Fabrics on organic cottons:
Loveliness from Tilda:
Funky nautical stars & stripes:
Fun, vibrant prints for children:
Some freshly-made goodies wrapped and ready to go:
Sneaky peeks:
That's it for now.......loads more coming up in the following weeks which I will try to get round to sharing and I've got lots and lots of ideas for some new projects in the New Year, so do keep checking back in (or sign up for email updates!)...
A big "Thank You" to those who have been in touch, placed orders & continue to look at this blog x