
Wednesday 19 December 2012

Christmas Trees, Control Freaks and Confidence Crisis

This is my fantastic Father Christmas who perches (albeit in a rather wonky, drunken fashion) on top of our tree. A couple of years ago I spent some time seeking out my perfect 'tree topper'. My parents have a 1960's 'Beatnik' Angel who I just adored (and still do actually), and really wanted a special character for our own tree too....... I think I found him!

Apologies for this post in advance. I warn you it is going to very dis-jointed, a bit too long and probably not very articulate, but I just wanted to get something written pre-Christmas with a bit of an update. I've  had trouble taking photographs lately as the light has just been so bad and the days so short that pics just aren't turning out very well, so apologies also for the dodgy shots on here.
It's been a busy few weeks (hence lack of blogging) but all pre-Christmas goodies are now finished, packed and either posted off, or wrapped and ready for their recipients. Phew! 

Back in the Autumn, I had planned to have a very hand-made Christmas and be very 'Kirstie Allsopp' about it all, however, everyday life has run away with me. I also had a little crisis of confidence wondering if anyone would actually appreciate (like/want) home-made items when what they honestly really want is a nice bottle of wine/new book/jumper/pair of socks!!!  So, whilst I have created some gifts, I've not done as many as I had originally planned. I'll share the pics in the new year.
The  Christmas decor in the house isn't quite as 'home-made' as I would have liked either.  Feeling like I've kind of failed miserably on this front but did manage to make a wreath for the door (which J came home to see hung up and asked "Is it finished..what about the other side...??") Yes, it is supposed to look like this.  I was quite pleased with it, even if my husband is not convinced. Remains to been seen how long the foliage stays looking fresh though!

Whilst I had also planned on making some extra Christmas decorations for the tree, I decided once I'd unpacked all the things from last year, I probably actually had enough and really didn't have time to be making more anyway.  

We get our tree each year from a local farm, who, on the 2nd weekend of December, have mulled wine & mince pies on the go whilst you 'shop'.  This year was something of a disaster for J in that we arrived too early in the morning for the mince pies and mulled wine (still heating up!), which made the very long process of me making him stand there holding out just about every tree to 'check the shape' even more of a bore.  I wasn't as pleased with our tree choice this's not quite the perfect shape but then I reconcile myself with the thought that it's nice to give a home to a not-so-perfect tree & they all look splendid once decorated anyway! Onto the task of decorating the tree with a 5 year old boy....  Now, the control-freak in me has found this very very tricky in previous years, torn between dearly wanting to share this tradition with my son, and just wanting it to look how I want it to look. This year however, with a few 'rules' discussed initially about the placing of baubles, colour schemes and 'overcrowding', I do think we managed a harmonious afternoon and a pleasing result without me getting (too) 'twitchy'!  I know, I know, as a mother, you're supposed to put this controlling behaviour to one side and let your children express their own creativitiy in these situations, but sorry, NO...not with the Christmas Tree...I just can't relinquish complete control of that one!! This is where I should be inserting a great picture of said tree..but I think it's very hard to capture the 'twinkliness' of a decorated tree in a photograph, hence the not-so-great snap here!

Over the past few years I have managed to get round to making some of Nigella Lawson's  'Chilli Jam' (it it just yum with all those Christmas left-overs) ..and every year it turns out more like 'Chilli Sauce' (it never really sets properly...I should probably purchase a jam thermometer but I feel this is one step too far towards becoming a member of the WI and I'm certainly not ready for that!!). This year is no exception but at least this time round I have embraced my failure at making 'jam' and labelled all 6 jars as 'sauce' instead!

Completely as an aside to all this handmade business, I just wanted to include this (told you this is all a bit dis-jointed!). Of all the (many) presents I have purchased over the past few weeks, this is, perhaps rather oddly, my favourite. They caught my eye in Waitrose whilst looking for something extra for Father Christmas to give to our daft dog, Daisy (he gets so busy at this time of year, you just sometimes have to help him out!).  These are organic dog treats (yes, she is a very spoilt dog & no, she doesn't deserve to be!!), but I just loved the packaging illustration. The reason that they are called 'Forget Me Nots' is so we don't forget all the unwanted dogs that are in shelters waiting for a new home...sweeeet....AND best of all, for every pack sold, they give a donation to Battersea Dogs Home. Ok, I've lost all the non-dog-lovers now, so I'll get off this subject quick smart and move on.....

Along with all my 'sewing work' finished for Christmas,  college is also over until some point in mid-January. I managed to complete a number of projects over recent weeks and was able to help unload the still-warm ceramic loveliness of it all from the kiln on the last day of term.  A few pieces have been reserved for presents (confidence-crisis still looming on this one, especially as it's all rather 'amateur' but I hope the chosen recepients will appreciate my efforts!), but these bits have been piled into our cupboards for general use...tapas bowls/olive dishes etc.  Next term I really must move away from making bowls..I've become stuck in a 'general purpose bowl' -obsessed rut!

...and finally, I have at last, got round to setting up my 'Pinterest' boards (sort of an on-line scrap book for anyone who isn't familiar with it).  I've dallied with Pinterest a few times but never really embraced it.  I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to technology (just ask J!): I'd rather write a letter than an email, I love postcards, I still quite like having music CDs rather than downloading it..and I certainly prefer actual proper books or magazines over online/kindle the thought of cataloguing pictures/photos/favourite things on a web page rather than in a scrap book or folder with handwritten scrawly notes didn't really sit comfortably with me, but I have had a proper play around with it  and I do have to admit that it is really rather quite good.  I shall be developing my Pinterest site in January and work out how it might fit in with this blog and my facebook page.
So, that's it for now. Lots and lots to come in the new year, so do check back in again in January. Until then, have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & thank you again for your interest and support this year.

E xx

Wednesday 14 November 2012


I'm baaaaack!! It's been a while, I know....The reason....?  I've been very very busy! My goodness, I now know how Father Christmas must feel in the run up to Christmas...all those presents to make, wrap & package up! Not that I'm complaining (although I could do with some of his little Elves to help out), it's been lovely (& very flattering) to be receiving so many orders for gifts.
However, I have a little problem, as mentioned in my previous post, in that I can't really share much of what I've been up to these past few weeks until gifts have been given & received...although they aren't alllll for Christmas, so a few things will be appearing in the next few weeks, once special events such as birthdays and christenings have occurred.
In the are some sneaky peek pictures of the fabrics I've been working with and some snippets of designs (especially things for the children as they're way too busy  writing letters to Father Christmas, learning carols and 'playing' to be looking over shoulders at some strange blog on Mummy/Daddy's laptop/computer/iPad/mobile etc etc..) but Ssssssshhhhhh, dont tell anyone otherwise it will ruin their surprise...

Gorgeous designer prints from Birch Fabrics on organic cottons:

Loveliness from Tilda:

Funky nautical stars & stripes:
Fun, vibrant prints for children:
Some freshly-made goodies wrapped and ready to go:

Sneaky peeks:



That's it for now.......loads more coming up in the following weeks which I will try to get round to sharing and I've got lots and lots of ideas for some new projects in the New Year, so do keep checking back in (or sign up for email updates!)...
A big "Thank You" to those who have been in touch, placed orders & continue to look at this blog x

Sunday 28 October 2012

From bags to bowls..

Just a quick one this as it's now half term, so not much time for writing posts....but I just wanted to share pictures of my bowls that I collected from the ceramics studio last week.
Friday morning, fresh from the kiln, waiting for me on the benches were all the bowls I've been working on so far this term. My first proper 'collection' of ceramics!!!
Here's just a few of them in detail:


I loved every minute (even the frustrating ones) of designing and making these pieces...and even though they are far from perfect and I have SO much to learn, I feel like I am making little tiny steps in the right direction!


Wednesday 17 October 2012

Birthday Bits (yes, more bags!)

For the past couple of days I've been working on some new birthday gifts. Now, this is where I have a problem with including these things in my blog because if anyone who these items are intended for sees this before they see their gifts, well then, the surprise is a little ruined! On the other hand, however, if you see it and don't like least you can practise your 'delighted' face!!  Not sure how I'll play the run up to Christmas as I'm planning to have a very 'handcrafted' Christmas this year, which means either lots of sneaky peeks at gifts, or a lack of posts during the weeks before the festive season. Hmmmm, something to think about....?!
I'd really like to share what I've been up to this week at least, so first up is the lovely Tilly (Matilda). The youngest daughter of family friends of ours.  Being the youngest, Tilly has at her disposal most toys, clothes etc that a little girl could possibly want. Therefore, it's always a bit tricky when it comes to gifts for young Tilly.  This year, I thought I'd make something personalised for her....something that is just hers and not a hand-me-down from big sister or brother. I decided I'd make up a little 'activity pack', consisting of a named toy bag with some pens and activity pad/stickers/book for her to have when out and about/travelling/in a restaurant. The bag is made with a natural shade cotton/linen base fabric and then features lining and applique using Michael Miller's very cute 'Forest Life' fabric. I've also made an 'owly' themed card to match! I hope Tilly (& her mummy!) like it......

Next up, is Eli.  A good friend of mine asked me to make a toy bag for a little boy, Eli, who is about to turn one. It was suggested that the bag be quite neutral to fit in with whatever colour scheme Eli's bedroom might be over the years...and so he can hopefully use this bag for some time to come.  It has indeed turned out quite simple and neutral, featuring the same base fabric again and then a lovely natural/blue 'ticking' stripe for the applique, contrast band and lining all of which should blend in with most interior styles and tastes...a 'timeless' design, I hope.


....and last, but certainly not least, is my good old Dad. Now, dads are notoriously difficult to buy gifts for (at least they are in my family), and I was struggling to come up with something handmade that would fit the bill. Reluctant to get him a 'nice bottle of wine' (again!) and wanting to make him something with my own fair hands, I struck on the idea of making one of my favourite 'zippy pouches' but in an oilcloth fabric and lining, therefore making it suitable for use as a wash bag or wet bag. The reason being that since my parents fully retired a couple of years ago, they are giving the likes of Judith Chalmers (of 'Wish You Were Here' fame - yet another 1970/80s reference - I really MUST stop doing that!!) a run for her money, with the amount of holidays and travels they are constantly embarking on...and what can possibly be more useful when packing for holidays, than plenty of zippy bags?!

So, I ordered some oilcloth with a bit of a 'nautical' theme about it (Dad likes boats and I didn't want to go for just plain navy or something..bit dull!) and made up a selection of bags.  They are all lined in a linen-type cloth that has a PVC finish, but is quite light-weight, so the bags aren't too bulky.  I love the shape as you can have them quite 'tall' and upright, or more 'boxy' and squishy.  These ones measure about 30cm across and 20cm high..which I figure is big enough to hold shower gel, shaving cream, toothbrush/paste etc...or whatever else one might wish to pack in them. Of course, I can make these to order...bigger or smaller...or in different oil cloths.  I'm thinking I'll make a MASSIVE one for myself for all my gym stuff...and T could do with one for putting in his wet swimming shorts, goggles and hat after his swimming lessons (he's already got his eye on the red stars one).


So, there we have it....yet more bags...all sizes, great and small. Let me know what you think, or if someone in your life might like one too xx


Being a bit of an 'old bag lady'

Firstly, a huge thank you, again, to all those who are checking in regularly to view this blog.  I've been blown-away with all the lovely comments (and my increased work-load!)

That increased work-load has been partly responsible for my lack of posts over the past fortnight but I've managed to get organised this week and factored in some time for uploading photos and writing about what I've been up to. I think I might even do a couple of posts today otherwise things might start looking a little crowded on here.

So here goes....

Last week, alongside making a few bits & pieces for people, I wanted to try out some new bag designs and decorative finishes.  Some weeks ago, I mentioned my new obsession with  'free-motion' embroidery which I've been meaning to actually try out on some products rather than just playing around with on scraps. Bags seemed like a good option as there is a large amount of 'space' to experiment with designs.  Apart from nearly attaching my finger to the sewing machine by way of the needle (ouch!), it was pretty successful.

First up was a little calico tote bag. I've made loads of these (they're those really useful bags that fold up really small & you keep in your handbag to save you needing horrible plastic bags...except, I always manage to forget to put mine back in my handbag, or leave them in the car and all my good 'green' intentions are lost as I shamefully admit to the cashier in Boots that, yes, I do need a bag....!)

I had a piece of Lucie Summers 'Summersville' fabric that I wasn't really sure if I liked (it came in a 'bundle' pack of her designs but it was my least favourite). However, I cut out a little mother & baby bird template (I've been using this sort of thing in some ceramics work recently which I shall share once The Kiln has done it's job!) and appliqued it on using the manic, mad, free motion embroidery technique & was actually pretty pleased with the results...although it does use up ALOT of thread and takes ALOT of concentration (hence the near miss with the 'needle through finger' incident when the postman rang on the doorbell!). So, here it is....a new shopping bag....destined to be left behind when I most need it!!

I think I could have zoomed in a bit more on this one to show the embroidery outline a little better, but hopefully you get the general idea (as well as the idea that I hadn't pressed it very well before taking the photograph...tut...tut..such impatience!)

Ok, so encouraged with my success on the calico fabric, I thought I'd give it a go on some heavier weight unbleached canvas which I've had in my store for sometime, crying out to be made into a boxy shopping bag.  I used a design that I originally tried out on a piece of linen when I was first playing around with the technique and some small scraps of furnishing weight cloth....


and all finished off with a sage green floral lining.

Finally, on 'bag day', I tried another basic tote bag, but wanted to line it with a fun fabric which then would make it into a reversible bag. Again, this uses the Lucie Summers 'Summersville' collection fabric, and although I do like it, I think perhaps much more appropriate for spring/summer - maybe a beach bag or something (seems like a long time off though doesn't it, given that we're just getting in to autumn!)

So, there we have it...bags of bags.  I know there are so many of these tote bags available these days ( and very cheaply too..far cheaper than I can produce one for!) but I just wanted to create some that were a little different and individual, whilst trying out some new techniques...

Done! x